
Five Frame Nucs

We currently offer 5 frame nucs to help you begin your bee keeping journey or to help you grow your apiary.

Nucs can be packaged in a corrugated cardboard or one of our wood nuc boxes for you to keep (additional fee required). If you have your own equipment ready for your new bees, a wood box can be used for packaging and the box can be returned to us when you are finished (refundable deposit required with order).

Please check back in January for availability!


Host a Hive


We are always looking for people that are interested in bring honey bees into their life. If you would like to have bees to help pollinate your garden but are not interested in handling a box full of bees, we will manage all the care. Once the hives are on-site, if your curiosity gets the best of you, we can arrange for times when you can come get your gloves dirty and help with hive maintenance.

To host a hive, your yard must have a sunny spot that is out of the way where no one would stumble upon the bees by accident. We charge $50/month for the two hives to cover the cost of acquiring and maintaining both the equipment and bees. If your hives produce enough honey, you will receive 2 lbs of the honey from your back yard, if not, you will receive honey from one of our main apiaries. Additionally, by hosting a hive, you would be eligible to purchase any additional honey at a discounted rate.

If you are looking for pollination service for your farm, please add a brief note to the form below and we will contact you for more information.
