Does this look like something that you have wanted to try?


Would you like for someone to walk you through setting up your own hives and to be there when you have questions about what you are seeing in your own hives?


Athens Bees Mentoring Program


The bees make their own choices and rarely follow what the books tell you they should do. This can be hard for new beekeepers. The majority of first year bee keepers lose their bees, get discouraged and give up. Success is often dependent on having a regular more experienced mentor to help and support during the first year or two. Having someone guide you through your first year and coming out of winter can make all the difference in confidence and joy you get out of your hive. The goal of our mentoring program is to make bee keeping fun and enjoyable while also teaching how to interact with the hive. We take what you learned in a class or book and apply it to real life.

For $25 a visit we can guide you through that first years increase your confidence and set you up for long term success.


Want to Get Started?


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